At Alice Huang's Chinese Natural Therapies LLC in Michigan, we offer a variety of treatments based on Chinese natural remedies. Each client will undergo a thorough evaluation of the symptoms they are experiencing and their medical history before we provide a treatment plan or combination of different treatment options. We understand that each client's condition can be different, though most treatment sessions average between 3 to 7 sessions per person. Our personalized treatment methods will be used to help you receive the relief you need.

A traditional part of Chinese medicine, acupuncture derives from the practice of inserting needles into selected points of the body to treat pain and improve range of motion by releasing trigger points in muscles and connective tissues. Acupuncture is a common treatment for neck pain, back pain, migraines, headaches, and more.

Conditions Successfully Treated Include:

  • Infertility
  • PMS
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Chronic Or Acute Pain
  • Depression And Emotional Issues
  • Respiratory Problems
  • Sinusitis
  • Arthritis
  • Joint And Muscle Problems
  • Addiction To Smoking, Drugs, And Alcohol
  • Stomach And Digestion Problems
  • Weight Control
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Sciatic Nerve
  • Vertigo
  • Tinnitus
  • Weakening System
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Frozen Shoulders
  • Many Other Physical And Emotional Conditions Not Helped By Conventional Medicine

Acupressure is a traditional treatment that utilizes finger pressure to release the bodies energy along the meridians of the body. Acupressure creates a feeling of well-being within the body, mind, and spirit while also relieving pain and fatigue.

If you are currently experiencing sore and aching feet, our experienced massagers offer Chinese foot massages that release the tension in the pressure points of your feet and relieve any pain or discomfort that are feeling.

Our foot massages also aim to increase blood circulation and stimulate reflex areas in order to help you feel relaxed, refreshed, and help break patterns of stress that are present in other parts of your body.

Traditional Chinese herbology works well to support other Chinese treatments such as acupuncture and massages to increase their effectiveness. After discussing with you about the ailments you are experiencing, we will provide you with specific herbal remedies that fit your specific needs.

Colon hydrotherapy is the use of filtered, sanitized, and temperature-controlled water to gently clean waste from the colon. Colon hydrotherapy is gentler and more extensive than a general enema.

A session is a comfortable experience for most people. Alice Huang’s uses the Colenz® table which is an FDA registered colon cleansing system. Modern colon irrigation equipment uses disposable, single-use sterilized rectal tubes. The water gently hydrates the colon through the flexible rectal nozzle, gently stimulating the colon’s natural peristaltic action to release softened waste.

During the Colon Hydrotherapy session, most clothing can be kept on and you will be draped to ensure modesty. Your dignity is always maintained. Our tables has built in fans so the entire cleanse is odorless.

Cupping therapy is used in Chinese medicine to help pull stasis and stagnation from the muscles in the body without using invasive techniques. Cupping therapy helps strengthen the immune system, improve circulation, decrease chronic pain, and improves the overall strength of the body that comes from illness, stiffness, and fatigue.

You may have cupping marks after a session depending on the length and number of cups used in the therapy. Skin should look normal again within 3 to 10 days.

DDS therapy is the treatment using a CE-certified DDS machine to generate a low electrical current along the meridians of the body in order to stimulate the nervous system and produce endorphins in order to relieve pain.

By using DDS biometric energy along the pathways of the body, it can stimulate the muscles, nerves, and circulatory system in order to improve blood circulation, muscle tissue, and even regulate the digestive system.

Our massages have a variety of benefits. Utilizing pressure points and herbal remedies, a traditional Chinese massage can help heal your body, increase circulation, relieve pain, and enhance the treatment of acupuncture and additional herbal remedies. We offer Thai massages, Chinese medical massages, therapeutic pressure massages, body walking massages, and Swedish deep-tissue massages.

Lymph drainage therapy is a preventative measure used to reduce toxic waste buildup within the lymphatic system in the body. LBG lymphatic therapy rebalancing the electromagnetic charge of the cells utilizing cold gas ionization produced by the LBG tool.

Utilizing the cold gas photons and low energy electromagnetic frequency patterns, LBG therapy removes lymphatic drainage comprised of viruses, bacteria, and fungi that are attached to the waste materials.

Lymph drainage therapy helps resolve:

  • Back Pain
  • Headaches
  • Chronic Pain
  • Joint Pain And Swelling
  • Intestinal Problems
  • Abnormal Growths
  • Congested Breast Tissue
  • Fatigue
  • And More

With daily life comes the accumulation of heavy metals in your body from a variety of products that you interact with daily, including polluted air and water, car exhaust, over the counter medications, skin and hair care products, cigarettes, and so much more.

We offer heavy metal detox services to remove the toxic metals from your body that could be causing negative health effects. We utilize a variety of different treatments to naturally remove these toxins through excretion pathways. Utilizing colon hydrogen therapy, foot detox baths, and other additional services, we can pull the toxins from your system and help alleviate any of the heavy metal access symptoms you may be experiencing.

Some symptoms of heavy metal toxicity include:

  • Allergies
  • Diarrhea
  • Gastrointestinal Complaints
  • Frequent Colds
  • Pain
  • Skin Problems
  • Significant Weight Gain or Loss
  • Bloating
  • Dizziness
  • Mood Swings
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Hormone Imbalance
  • Bags under Eyes
  • Trouble Sleeping

oxibustion is a treatment that utilizes burning traditional Chinese medicinal herbs in order to help produce warm stimulation on effective areas in order to restore equilibrium to the body and warm the meridians in order to expel the cold and relieve symptoms. Moxibustion helps treat:

  • Acute diseases
  • Heat syndromes
  • Exterior syndromes
  • Diseases of the channel
  • Diseases of the viscera
  • Blood circulation
  • Chronic or acute pain
  • Depression and emotional issues
  • Reinforcement of middle-jiao
  • Arthraglia (pain in a join) due to wind-cold-dampness
  • Carbuncle (boil/inflammation of skin)
  • Dysmenorrheal (painful mestruation)
  • Abdominal pain and diarrhea
  • Prolapse of the visceroptosis (intestines and bowel)
  • Incontenance
  • Cold hernia
  • Collapse and shock
  • Intractable ulcer

Earwax, a bodily emanation that many of us would rather do without, is actually pretty useful stuff – in small amounts. It serves as a natural cleanser as it moves out of the ear, and tests have shown it has antibacterial and antifungal properties. But for many people, earwax is too much of a good thing. An ear canal plugged up with earwax can cause earaches, infections, and other problems. You can get medical help to remove an earwax blockage or you can take a do-it-yourself approach which is not recommended.

Trying to remove the wax with a cotton swab tends to push the earwax back into the ear. Although you can also buy over-the-counter ear drops intended to break up earwax, sometimes the ear drops don’t work on their own. A clinician tackles an earwax problem in much the same way as a do-it-yourselfer, but with professional expertise, sophisticated tools and a superior view deep into the ear canal.

While each of our locations offer Chinese natural therapies, some services may only be offered at each location on limited days. Please do not hesitate to choose the location more convenient to you and your schedule.

Don't be in pain for longer than you have to be. Call us today at to learn more about the treatment options that are right for you, and to schedule an appointment.

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